Monday, July 04, 2005

Hello again, hope all of you are having a safe, sane, and fun holiday and saying extra prayers for all our troops overseas. My DH and I are going out to eat, enjoy the good weather since it's not TOO hot and it's not raining and just enjoy being home in general.

Where was I with the Memphis fun and games? Oh yes, the Commercial Appeal survived and went back to printing the news in Memphis after the 'War Between the States' and is still there on Union Avenue, telling it like it is for their readers. Obviously, the City on the Bluff survived too in spite of the war and the yellow fever epidemic. Most people don't know Memphis lost its charter because of the many deaths and people leaving and general chaos of that terrible epidemic. Over five thousand souls were lost (and that's just the ones known and documented so I feel sure the number is higher).

The thing that makes research so much fun besides the facts you uncover is PEOPLE TALK TO YOU. When they find out you're a writer they open up to you and I've met many interesting, lovable, helpful, and all around wonderful people as I worked on research and met other writers. The rewards in contacts and friendships is great whether you ever make any money or not. And once you're 'hooked' on writing you have to write, so enjoy all the good things about it.

BTW, the perfume shoppe where Jamai and Susanna shopped is still there in the French Quarter. It's run now by grandchildren - or is it grand neices and nephews? Anyway, if you go there and tell them a little about yourself and what fragrances you enjoy, you can get your own vial of "Eau de Betty Jo" or whatever you want to call it (for a fee, of course : - ) and no, I haven't had one done and don't work for them or the chamber of commerce. )

Come back for another thrillin' episode with alligators, river trade, and love at first sight! Did I mention you can buy Memphis in Our Hearts at Amazon/Booksurge and it's also available in e-book format? (Well, I have now : -)) You can also get it at my page without any S&H. or just type Jackie Griffey's Books into your Yahoo browser and click on the romances, mysteries...

Breaks's over!"


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