Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Are there any screenplay writers out there reading this? I need some help from someone who knows his (or her) way around cyber space a lot better than I do. Back when the moon was made of green cheese and dragons were not even newsworthy I wrote a screen play - a trillogy in fact. It was the first thing I'd ever written and was what drove me into a writing group in search of help. By the time I'd finished it - the work, learning, researching, and enjoying the company of other writers had me completely hooked on writing and I'm (late bloomer or not) going to keep writing as long as I can see the monitor : - )). To get back to my current problem, I've decided to make a screenplay from one of my novels and though I know my template is floating around in this stubborn, password happy machine, I can't seem to get the blooming thing set up. I'd already written me out a list of F1, F2, etc. to go by but I can't get it ready to go. This list reminds me of when my husband tried to teach me how to play poker and made me out a list of what beats what. All I remember about that is a FULL HOUSE is good! he! he! he! I copyrighted that ill-fated trillogy, proud of all my research which went all the way back to the Etruscans and sent it out to a few places that looked like they could afford to do my masterpiece justice. Of course, all of them stuck it right back into the SASE and sent it back tout de suite - except one. This one time it fell into the hands of someone who liked fairy tales as well as I do and he//she sent it to the fellow on the next rung up from her/him. This tasteless fellow (or lass) flung it back down to the office dogsbody with instructions to send it back to this naive a-- and PROTECT OUR OWN. At least that's what the results imply. They sent it back in the SASE with a page long legally correct letter swearing (they would not touch over the transom tripe with a ten foot pole) and none, not one of the office help had READ a word of it (to keep me from suing as if I had the money). This time I'm going to try something which may be more acceptable if not in a less scary setting. New York City to be exact. The name of the MS I'm going to put at the mercy of publishers, critics and whoever else I can get to read it is RECYCLING HUMANITY. It's a novel whose time has come (I hope), you can check it out at my web page and probably if you try really hard - on Amazon/Booksurge.com. I guess all of you have heard about Amazon.com buying BookSurge and they're in transition. Right now, though I've taken the book off Xlibris, Amazon still has the old one listed and the new one with the new cover and the good price, you will have to put in the new ISBN No. (1594533644) to get - the difference in price is worth the typing and if you want to go to my web page there's no S&H there. Of course, I and all the other writers who are the victims of Amazon's uncorrectable mistakes (ever try to get in touch with them?) are hoping they'll accidentally get a few things corrected in the transition. They have always been very nice to me, they just don't make corrections - even when my publishers ask(?) If anyone has any suggestions about how to find my template, please let me know. Happy reading, break's over!


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