Conngratulations to ME! I'm such a klutz and and an eyelash away from being just plain computer illiterate, any small electronic accomplishment is Hallelujah time for me.
The above picture is the one the president of The Penpoint Group (our local writing group) took for me (notice the 'photo by Del Garrett' - I should have put 'many talented fellow and heck of a nice guy' but I didn't want to push my luck after I got the picture and the 'by' on the back cover.
This is the cover that will be on my book, THE NELSON SCANDAL which will be out shortly. I've just sent back galley, confirmation and all that good stuff and it's getting in line at the printers now. Ths is the second of my Maryvale cozy mystery series and I know I'll sell one copy since there's a ghost in it named after my sister (sneaky, aren't I?), but since this is the second one, maybe a few people who read the first one and got acquainted with the people in Maryvale will read this one (the first of the series is THE DEVIL IN MARYVALE and is all over the net like an affectionate kitty looking for tuna fish.)
As long as I'm on this BSP roll, the third of the Maryvale series has a nice contract tucked into its folder and will be published by another publisher soon. The name of it will be RECIPE FOR TROUBLE if the new publisher doesn't want to change it for some reason (since he sent me a nice advance and knows he won't be argued with - that's not gramatically correct but it's financially necessary : - ).
Now I need to figure out how to put some links on here (help is never any help to me - I need 'help for dummies who don't know the language') so I can put links to some of the really great writers on SinC-ic and others whose cozy mysteries I've enjoyed.
Anyone with any ideas that an electronic illiterate might be able to understand and use, I'd sur'n dern be glad to hear them!
Break's over!
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