Monday, February 19, 2007

New PAGE TURNERS newsletter announcement. I've just signed up for this interesting newsletter. It's got things for readers, writers (published or unpublished in all genres) and tips on writing and promo plus all sorts of interesting things about new books coming out, maybe some background too.

The background and research in writing a book is as interesting as a novel all by itself - and people do tend to 'open up' to a writer :-)

Some of the experiences readers and writers have should be good for a chuckle while they broaden our educations as well.

Anyone interested in signing up, the first newsletter will come out March 1 so I don't know all the particulars yet. I do know it sounds really interesting as well as instructive and I've signed up. Also, if you decide it's not for you, you can cancel at any time. Anyone interested in signing up or more information, plese let me know by sending me a 'comment' here.

Of course, I hope you will be interested since I'm going to be the featured writer in Sept. 2007 - let me know if you want to know more.
Break's over!


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