Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Local book sales are up! Unless a writer is famous and on the best seller list these days, selling one's books is more like a 'cottage industry' than anything else. The main and most wonderful thing I've got to date, is people like my books - and tell me about it! :-) The people in my hometown who have standing orders for my next book has grown (from three to five :-), plus the occasional sales. I told you it's a cottage industry. LOL) With the first of my Maryvale series, THE DEVIL IN MARYVALE alrady out, on the net and Amazon, (and The Group has already read it!), and all five of The Group has already bought THE NELSON SCANDAL before Amazon.com even has it posted, I'm sitting here grinning like a cat full of cream. On top of that, the third cozy of the series, RECIPE FOR TROUBLE, has a contract for a hardback tucked into its file. Its scheduled for May of 2007, along with a romance-suspense novel titled SPANISH EYES.

My husband and I went to visit his brother in St. Augusting, FL three weeks ago and we stopped by by New Orleans to do a little research I need for the next Maryvale cozy mystery. (I wanted to be sure Cafe du Monde was open when I sent my characters down there - it was :-))

If anyone reading this is thinking of writing a book - any book or article - any genre, the thing to do is: TA - DAH! SIT DOWN AND START WRITING. You can fix, change, proof, and rewrite to your (or an editor's) heart's content - but first, you have to have something to work on. This is the precious, golden, sought after secret, sibs - write! (It's as simple as that, good luck :-))

Break's over!


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