Thursday, September 14, 2006

Off to St. Louis! I've got everything done and sent in on my two books coming out in 2007 complete with ancillary material; my sister is over her operation and had all her stitches and staples out yesterday (doing well); my daughter is in the top 19 of her nursing school class; and now my DH, Jim, is sick! :-( My Jim who is healthier than an oak or an alligator! Upset stomach and other discomforts too small (according to him) to go in and have some tests run. He's better right now and our live-in nurse will see that he gets better or goes to the ER :-) Of course, I may have to hitchhike to the airport... Any prayers on our behalf will be appreciated.
Break's over! (And while you're praying, wish me good luck, good contacts at the Midwest Mystery Fest too :-))


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