Saturday, July 16, 2005

I'm baaack! : - ) and happily sandwiching in my 'gotta dos,' wanna dos,' and 'hey this looks interesting stuff' in with my blogs and reading other people's blogs. This last comes under 'interesting stuff' to investigate. Got a nice surprise too, about the problem I had help to fix. The place that was so much help sent me a 'he said - she said' print-out of my plea and the magical Albert's instructions! Neat, huh? They also sent a questionaire they requested I fill out about whether they had been any help or not - talk about the understatement of the year?! Of course I did and rated them a ten on help. They also had a place with questions which told them how much of their products I have bought in the last 30-60 days. I was embarrassed to tell the truth, I hadn't bought any (I know what you're thinking - I didn't sign up to buy any or submit to any advertising either.) I've done about six pages on my screen play, read everything I've collected about screen writing and am now cringing about he amount of cutting it's going to take to squeeze a three hundred and three page novel into a one hundred and twenty (or hopefully less) screenplay. The good side is it's something I want to do, with no deadline (and I can take time out to talk to my fellow bloggers : - ))

I've run into one snag on the blogs I've been enjoying. I always like to leave a comment since I look forward to them on my blogs. But on some of them it just doesn't take for some reason. I'm still working on that but enjoying reading all of them anyway. (Blog on, friends and fellow writers). More later. Brake's over! : -)


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