Saturday, June 17, 2006

OOPS! Correction: I put in a comma instead of a dot! : - ( Kelsy George's URL should be: (Sorry, Kelsy : - ))

Quick while I've got your attention (REALLY shameless BSP - he!he!he!) I went to the Arkansas Writers Conference June 2 & 3 and won a couple of prizes in their contests: third in Non-Fiction humor, and TA-DA! First in Screenwriting.

Naturally, this gave me delusions of grandeur and I'd like to find an agent who could maybe sell my reading script. The Guild doesn't list which agents will look at us unknowns or which are interested in mystery or horror. If anyone knows where to find such a list I'd sure like to know about it (just as soon as I get back down to the floor : - ))

Anyone who could use a chuckle to start the day on, scroll down to my blog on making bread - I was hard up for news and put one of my columns in that day.

All you wonderful, talented mystery writers keep writing. I was a reader a long time before I was a writer (Well, I AM - the jury's just still out on how good), and I appreciatcha!
Break's over!


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