Thursday, September 15, 2005

Time for a small break again. Along with keeping up with the progress being made in New Orleans and sister states as well as ours, the evacuees here in Arkansas are all beng housed, fed, and given the health care they need. (Along with some heartfelt hugs and welcomes : - )) About thirty thousand so far have decided to stay in Arkansas at least for a year or so and a good percentage are already in their own houses and enrolling their children in school. Food and supplies continue to come in because they're still needed. The Air Force Base in nearby Jacksonville has the runways and space to deploy the big planes coming in from Egypt, Europe, and other places and our native hearts are getting as much joy and benefit as the people torn from their homes. Looking in the mirror, I think probably my next blog will be on paint and upkeep - ha! (and how much it grows birthday to birthday : - )). Break's over.


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