A NO CHOICE VACATION! I'm not so sure about the 'vacation' but I'm certainly sure about the NO CHOICE. I didn't mean to take a break from cyber space at all, but my little community of metal AAs (that's for Aggravating Assistants) decided to take a break. I could still get my e-mail but I couldn't print anything out (like an address or something I want to keep) so I spent about three days trying to figure out where this little glitch was hiding. I finally gave up and took it to the equivilent of the machine's ER. I had to take in the modem, scanner, and printer. Sure enough, it was a tiny thing and it's fixed now so I'm back in business. Of course this was at a time when I'd like to print out some flyers to give away at my booksigning of Sept. 3 - wouldn't you know it? Just like Murphy's Law - "anything that can happen will, and at the worst possible moment." Guess I'd better not fuss too loud or my metallic crew might impose sanctions - again! Oh well, all is forgiven, I'm just glad to have it back. Anyone with tales of terror about similar tales of terror at the mercy of a computer, feel free to sound off. Break's over!
Hi, Jackie:
I'm always amazed at low-tech solutions to these high-tech machines. Often it's a simple thing like unplugging the computer or printer to let them pick up their marbles again, then after about three minutes, plugging them back in.
Good luck on your Sept.3 booksigning. That's my birthday! I'll send you good vibes!
Pat Browning
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