RETIRING (AGAIN) It's been a while since I've blogged but I'm back and will probably be back more often. With the ever-present stuff already scheduled, I've got the Midwest Mystery Fest in St. Louis behind me (it was great, any writer who's reading this, check it out and go next year - great workshops, great panels, lots of good writers and good books - go and enjoy). Also have everything done right down through all the ancillary material for my two books coming out in 2007 (SPANISH EYES, amystery-romance coming in Sept. 2007; RECIPE FOR TROUBLE, a cozy mystery, coming in May, 2007, both from Five Star (and I'm working on another one, a romance for them - wish me luck!)
What I retired from was writing my weekly column for a newspaper in Memphis, I just had too many deadlines, and not enough time for coffee with hubby, not to mention baking a few cookies. I noticed Pat Browning, talented author of FULL CIRCLE, who has a blog here, has posted some recipes, so maybe I'll get brave enough to share one too. Since I learned I have diabetes II a couple of years ago (Halloween night 2004-Egad! what timing!) I've been looking for something that has any decent taste at all and no sugar. Well, I've Frankenstiened up a couple of my favorites so they won't kill me and I'm going to post them on my next blog. So- stay tuned for the next (fillin' if not ) thrillin' episode!
Break's over!