Tuesday, March 06, 2007

E-Book Week is upon us! E-Book Week is from March 4-10, so go to Fictionwise (or other e-book places) and check out my e-books, Patricia Rasey's (she has gobs of neat ones), and all the other goodies available.

Another good thing: Zumaya Publications is offering e-books (by consenting writers) two for the price of one and two of mine are on their list: MEMPHIS IN OUR HEARTS-hist. romance-suspense, and ONCE BURNED-contemporary romance-suspense. Of course, I hope you'll look at the others I have on Fictiowise as well. Another couple of good things about the Zumaya e-book offer is there are so many good ones to choose from and you don't have to buy both books from the same author - mix 'em up any way you want to, and happy reading!

My two new 2007 books are making it through the publishing process, I've got the covers and the galleys on RECIPE FOR TROUBLE which is scheduled to come out in May, 2007 and am waiting for the galleys on SPANISH EYES which is scheduled to come out in Sept., 2007. More about them later :-) (unless you have any questions, which I'll be glad to answer.)
Break's over!
www.jackiegriffey.com, Amazon.com, or just Google me at Jackie Griffey's Books...